
Based on the information provided, we feel that in the short term energy conservation is a much better method for resolving the energy crisis.  Today, solar power provides less than 0.1% of total energy produced in the United States.  Given current trends, renewable energy is projected to more than double in the next 25 years, going from 8% to 17%.  Even if solar energy accounted for half of this increase, a very unlikely proposition, solar power would still account for under 5% of total energy produced in the United States.  The tremendous overhead of initiating such a dramatic shift to solar power should also be kept in mind.

In contrast, the study by McKinsey and Co showed that within 10 years,.conservation techniques could be used to reduce energy consumption by up to 23 percent while saving the United States 1.2 trillion dollars.  Such a dramatic difference, in both net energy production/consumption and cost, strongly emphasizes the importance of conservation over solar energy in the short term.